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Welcome to the Local Committee

Goose Green Primary and Nursery School are delighted to be part of the Nexus Education Schools Trust (NEST) and although we work very closely with them, the day to day governance of our school is carried out by the Local Committee.

The key responsibilities of the Local Committee are as follows: 

  • To carry forward the vision of the Academy and NEST
  • To ensure that standards of attainment and progress are high
  • To take a strategic role in the governance of Academy
  • To support and challenge the School's leaders
  • To monitor and evaluate the work of the Academy in relation to:
    • pupil outcomes,
    • teaching, learning and assessment,
    • effectiveness of leadership and management, 
    • financial probity
  • To ensure actions are taken to comply with statutory regulations
  • To implement the policies of the Trust and the Academy
  • To support the strategic development of the Trust

Local Committees are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and play a vital role in raising school standards. To operate effectively, the Local Committee appoints members who bring a wide range of knowledge and experience. The Local Committee consists of the Headteachers, Community members, Parent members and Staff members. 

Local Committee meetings occur every term and Local Committee Members visit the schools on a regular basis. 

You can contact any of the Goose Green Primary and Nursery School Governors via the Chair of Governors. You can do this by email to or by letter to the school office.

Local Committee Members 

ZamZam Ahmed - Parent Local Committee Member

Karen Barke - Chair and Community Local Committee Member 

Cassia Frankland - Staff Local Committee Member

Rowan Khanna - Community Local Committee Member 

Robert Miller - Community Local Committee Member 

Louise Partridge - Local Committee Member - Headteacher 

Stefan Porter - Community Local Committee Member 

Cat Shuttleworth -  Local Committee Member - Headteacher

Tara Whitehorn - Vice Chair and Parent Local Committee Member