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Vision, Mission and Values


Children will leave Goose Green having achieved their full potential as independent, resilient and curious learners who are ready for the next stage in their learning journey. 


Our mission is to:

  • Provide a rich and engaging learning environment which encourages curiosity, creativity and fun
  • Support children to be ambitious and to challenge themselves every day, to be purposeful in what they do and to become independent learners
  • Provide an inclusive environment, where children are enabled and expected to achieve their best
  • Develop a strong sense of community and build relationships within and beyond the school


Our vision is realised through our values, which are:

  • Ambition - challenging ourselves, wanting to do well and knowing that the effort we put in now will help us in the future.
  • Curiosity - being interested in the world around us, finding things out independently and asking questions.
  • Kindness - being kind to others, being a good friend and showing empathy.
  • Resilience - recovering quickly if something doesn't go our way, and building our self-understanding so that we know what we need to help ourselves when we need to keep on trying.

Promoting British Values

At Goose Green, we promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual libtery, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs in the following ways.


  • Pupils vote for representatives on the school council annually
  • Pupils are encouraged to share their views about how the school can be improved, contributing towards decision making and school policy
  • Older pupils support younger pupils during lunchtimes
  • Through our PHSE curriculum, pupils discuss issues around citizenship, fairness, equality etc
  • School assembly themes highlight issues around democracy, rights and responsibilities

The Rule of Law

  • Our behavior policy is clear, consistently applied and shared by all in the community
  • Whole school and class rules are an important part of the school ethos and support us to promote a harmonious and happy environment where all pupils feel safe
  • Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind school rules and laws
  • Pupils across the school have visits from the police to talk about laws, rights and responsibilities

Individual Liberty

  • Pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.
  • We promote our school's anti bullying policy through PHSE, workshops and school assemblies.
  • Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms through our PHSE curriculum.

Mutual Respect

  • Children at Goose Green come from a diverse range of backgrounds and this is celebrated in our curriculum. 
  • High quality core texts have been carefully selected so that they are reflective of our community, include some classic texts, and showcase a diverse range of authors, protagonists and genres. 
  • We believe that excellent learning occurs when children feel safe and are having fun. In our school, we respect all cultures and originality. 
  • Parents and carers are part of our partnership and very much involved in the learning of our children.
  • Protected characteristics are explored throughout our PSHE curriculum.

Tolerance Of Those Of Different Faiths And Beliefs

  • We actively promote diversity through our celebrations of different faiths and cultures.
  • Our RE curriculum has been developed by a local RE specialist teacher, providing an approach that is relevant to our community and school demographic, teaching children about faiths and beliefs, including the major world religions, plus pacifism, humanism and other theological approaches.
  • Messages of tolerance and respect for others are reinforced across our wider curriculum.
  • Members of different faiths and religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes and the school.
  • Our school curriculum consistently encourages educational visits to different places of worship.