School Meals
All children in Southwark schools receive a free, healthy school lunch.
We are very proud of the high quality lunches we offer at Goose Green. We have a large kitchen and the school meals are cooked on site. Your child has a choice of hot food, with a daily salad and fruit bar. The menu is planned for on a three weekly rota basis. The selection caters for a range of dietary preferences and needs.
Most staff members join the children daily for lunch which creates a calm, harmonious atmosphere.
If your child would prefer to bring their own packed lunch, please notify the office at the start of each term.
For those who do bring packed lunch, please provide a clearly labelled lunch box and put the drink in a plastic container (no glass bottles). As we have Healthy School Status and are committed to healthy eating, we do not allow sweets or fizzy drinks. In addition, we are a nut free school.